
Nach einigen Beta Versionen des PAM mods der für Ligen-Wettkampfmodifikationen verwendet wird, ist jetzt die nächste PAM4.02 FINAL Version für Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare durch Bullet-worm freigegeben worden.


Timeouts sind nur exklusiv für MATCH-Modi. Funktioniert nicht im Public-Modi. In dieser Zeit sind Pausen nur in dem S*D Modus möglich (und aktuell Last Team Standing)

set pam_timeout_limit 0
set pam_timeout_length 120 //(in seconds)
set pam_allow_weather_fx 1 //rain, fog, dust, and flying animals
set pam_allow_fire_fx 1 //fire and smoke (does not effect explosions)
set pam_allow_sound_fx 1 //localized sound fx like leaves in a tree or metal creaking
set pam_allow_light_fx 1 //I don’t really know, I just know they are there… lol
set pam_allow_ambient_sound 1 //The background sound that is played throughout the map
Explosive Barrel and Car damage
set pam_allow_explosion_damage 1

REPLACED the following dvar:
set pam_perk_specialty_nade_extra_ammo 2
WITH these dvars:
set pam_perk_specialty_flashnade_extra_ammo 2
set pam_perk_specialty_stunnade_extra_ammo 2

Sab only (changes submitted by CAL|Kyle)
set pam_sab_objective_fade_time 5
set pam_sab_show_bombsites 1
set pam_sab_bomb_carrier_alpha 1
set pam_sab_ot_maxspawntime 60

WAR only
set pam_war_gamestyle “stock” // Other option is “lts” which means Last Team Standing
For PUB mode only:
set pam_allow_favorites_menu 1 //Adds a menu item where players IN your server can click to add the server to their favorites


CoD:MW – PAM 4.02 ca. 425 KB
